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We are filled with gratitude by your  your consideration to partner with us financially. Doing so encourages us greatly in our mission towards seeing the lost come to know Jesus.

It is through the financial support of churches, individuals, and business partners that we can accomplish this mission.

Time and time again, we have seen the natural serve the supernatural. It is by these means that we aim to reach the lost with the Gospel. We use surfing, beach culture, community, and anything we can to provide people with access to the Good News.

We have seen the hearts of many come to know Jesus through the means of surfing, sports, and quality time. It is beautiful how God uses the natural and mundane to soften the hearts of individuals to receive the Gospel.

In order to continue doing what we are doing, we need financial support. We currently have 6 members of our core team to carry out daily operations. It is a dream of ours to be able to go full time with kooks to continue doing the mission that god has placed on our hearts.

While all gifts received are a great blessing and huge support, it is the strength of our monthly partners that bless our organization the most. Through the support we receive each month we are able to continue chasing our mission.

100% of your funds will go towards supporting the mission behind kooks for christ.

Additionally, You can make a huge impact by donating non-cash assets. By giving appreciated assets such as stocks, mutual funds, real estate, and/or business interests before the sale, you can reduce taxes and multiply your impact far beyond what you could otherwise. If you have any questions or need help with this, please reach out to us at

All gifts/donations given to Kooks For Christ are 100% tax deductible to the full extent of the law and a statement of giving for your total yearly contributions will be sent to you.

Thank you for partnering with us!

Until every heart knows,

Kooks For Christ Team