Mission Trips

Simply put, we have a huge heart for people, and if you have a heart for people, you have a heart for missions. We do not turn a blind eye to the reality that there are over 3 billion people today who have little to no access to the Gospel. The objective of every missions trip we take is simple: spread the Gospel. 

Through our missions trips, we have a vision to use surfing, community, or any other means to bring the Gospel to those who don’t have it.

In doing so, we get to see a heart for longterm missions birthed within the members of our community. our dream is to see those that come on our mission trips establish relationships where they can even go back and be longterm missionaries there.

Though our trips are incredible, there is only so much that short-term missions work can do, throughout these trips, we strongly encourage our group to become longterm missionaries, while helping to give them connections and resources to do so.

2023 Trips

Mexico 2023

In November of 2023, we took a team of 30 people down to Primo Tapia, Mexico. During this trip, we were able to serve alongside a local orphanage, men's rehab facility, and refugee center. In addition to this, we had the privilege to give away over 3 dozen bibles and over 100 gospel tracks. We saw multiple people give their lives to Jesus and members from our community inspired for long term missions. 


2024 Trips

Mexico 2024

In March of 2024, we took a team of just under 40 people down to Primo Tapia, including some friends that currently live in Mexico that joined us to help serve as translators. We are so grateful for our translators that come to serve with us as they play a massive role in the impact we have.

Throughout this trip, we split up into 3 separate outreach groups:

For our first outreach group, we brought kids from a local refugee center to the beach. For this specific outreach, we used surfing to preach the Gospel to 21 kids. Afterwards, we took our whole team to the refugee center to help finish a greenhouse they are building for the 1500 refugees there. Throughout the day, we saw 12 people commit their lives to Jesus in response to the Gospel. 

Our second outreach group went to a local Orphanage in La Misión that we have visited prior. We recognized some of the kids here at this orphanage from the last time we were here. Seeing the impact it had on their lives as we called them by name was remarkable. We believe that doing so reminds them of their intrinsic value given to them by God and helps reinforce their identities as children, not orphans. Afterwards, we went to our friends over at SOW Ministries in La Salina to help the establishment of an orphanage there. We look forward to the continual partnership with them until their orphanage is up and running. 

For our third outreach group, we went back to the men's rehab facility that we went to in 2023. Last time, their only request was that we would come back and visit them again. This last weekend, we were privileged to do so. Seeing the transformation in these men's lives from the last time we were there was truly remarkable. We got to spend the day with these men, worshipping, playing soccer, and volleyball. 

Throughout the weekend, we handed out hundreds of Gospel tracts and Bibles. God was glorified, people were saved, and the Gospel went forth. 

Thank you to all who joined, or contributed through prayer and monetary donations